Friday, February 24, 2012

Best in Blogs: sites Web of Paint it Black

Highlights of the week of January 16-20, 2012

If you suffered from numerous power outages this week, and you're not Linsday Lohan, who was the great failure of Web of 2012! Wikipedia and Reddit joined dozens of other sites who painted the black door to protest legislation (bills SOPA and PIPA) piracy could also limit the freedom online! Poynter quickly prepared a great Gallery of black pages. The Bills, which could become US law, address piracy off the coast making it potentially legal Government to close a U.S. site, if a part of it is related to a supposed illicit source of intellectual property protected. Tech Forbes makes an analogy between: "It would be a bit like requiring that the Manager of a flea market to close all of the market, because some of the merchants were selling counterfeit products".It's kind of a death penalty to Internet, Inc. privacy of CNET says in his useful FAQ. "This is bad", Gawker reported, while providing a solution to bypass to drag past blackwall Wednesday of Wikipedia in the case where you could not wait a day. "Internet - Yes, INTERNET together - is crazy of SOPA excessive Bill because by trying to destroy what they call considerably"rogue"Web sites." Some of its provisions, such as requiring the search engines such as Google to remove from the list of reputable foreign sites dedicated to piracy, sounds strangely something that China would. " Brain of pop Culture has offered an open letter opposing IPOs of artists such as Neil Gaiman and Trent Reznor. Flavorwire presented a heavily redacted version of the letter.

Some of the usual suspects were clear, his whereabouts. "January 18, 2012, will still be talked about for decades now," reported Torrentfreak, a blog dedicated to news about the BitTorrent software which are widely used to rip off films and music. But not everyone joined. Stephen Totilo, a honcho at Kotaku explained threat of IPOs in the industry of video game ("SOPA is disastrously vague in many respects"), but also why the big gamer blog dress Black Wednesday. Essentially: "I believe that it is our job to cover the protest movements, but not to be part of them."

Oatmeal went with a black background and a funny cartoon protest - which is not very different from that oatmeal on a regular day. Craigslist has not closed its lights fully but had a page of black landing with charges of clamminess businesses ("business those who finance, keep sweaty hands Internet!"). Web Pro News reported: "SOPA landing page displays to a minimum of 10 seconds, after which you can continue normal Craigslist site." You can then go to your normal purchase and sale of the day. "Take that, Commissioners. Including Google, Twitter, Facebook and the Huffington Post has no black out - interesting considering how their growth has been built on links to the outside. "Most of the sites did not even go that far down more or less than Wikipedia," said Open Source . "The most popular version appeared to be Google - black version to your logo or erect a splash screen which refers to opposition to the SOPA."

Of course, industry organizations, responsible for the prevention of piracy are not go quietly in the darkness. The Motion Picture Association of American called the power outages "Cascades punish their users," according to the deadline. Techdirt responds: "it is hilarious that we are talking here, the MPAA which is famous for having abused his powers...." The MPAA - as per usual, remains totally and completely your deaf to what was going on. "An exec of communications for the Recording Industry Association of American got charred by some when he tweeted" after Wikipedia blackrout, a student today is original research and get the facts directly. ". Gizmodo has been pretty steamed about it: "the thing on the point the most asinine we read all day." Way to trivialize completely a problem in which millions of people care passionately about. "Really! Blackrout? Have enough respect to spell right!

Do do protests accomplish anything? Maybe, kinda. Before Wednesday, has been done, the blog of the White House reported that "a petition asking President Obama veto to Stop (SOPA) online piracy Act had 51 689 signatures, while 52 096 people have signed the petition"Stop the E-PARSITE Act". TechCrunch reports that some of the authors of the SOA Bill were "abandonment of ship" (an another popular pastime lately). And not to be a good opportunity to pass the geekitude, Fred Benenson prepared an artsy-research Cytoscape spatial visualization of all the buzz Twitter on IPOs. We now return to your normal web programming.

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